SEO: History, Trends and Future (infographic)

SEO: History, Trends and Future (infographic)

In an unpaid result of web search engine, a website’s online visibility is affected by a process called Search Engine Optimization. This is called organic or natural results.

Search engines took form in the year 1994 with the launch of Altavista. Then in 1995, and came into being. In 2004 Google Suggest was launched and in June of 2009, Bing was launched which was soon merged with Yahoo.

The working of these search engines is aided by complex mathematical algorithms that tell the users preference for the sites. Bing, Yahoo, and Google use the ones called crawlers to look for the pages for their search results. Crawlers gather the information that is later utilized by the search engines.

Trends, according to a report by SEOtribunal in e-commerce are:

Of the total global traffic, 39% came from search, 35% of which was organic while 4% paid search.

43% of the users search online while in the store and in the searches of smartphones, one out of three was made before the store visit.

Search engine hosts 93% of the first time online experiences and 50% of the searches are 4 words or more.

The paid ads get ignored by 70-80% of the search engine users while they only focus on the organic results.

Voice search, is no doubt the pinnacle of evolution in terms of technology for the search engines. It started as late as 1961 with the invention of IBM Shoebox that could recognize 16 words and digits. From then to the most advanced ones in the last decade such as Siri for iOS in 2011, Amazon gave Alexa and Echo in 2014 and Samsung’s Bixby in 2017 among many others. By 2020, it is expected that 50% of the searches will be vocal.
72 Stats To Understand SEO In 2018 (Infographic)
