The Best Way To Write Catchy Blog Titles

The Best Way To Write Catchy Blog Titles

It doesn’t matter if you’ve invented an elixir of life, found an extraordinary way to improve memory or written a brilliant marketing article and want people to see it. It all doesn’t matter if you don’t know how to write a title that will attract people’s attention; a title impossible to go by. 

A title defines the success of any piece of content, and you shouldn’t underestimate its power. Many content creators and bloggers let their great posts go unnoticed only because they don’t work on the titles enough. There are some techniques, though, that attract people’s attention most of the time. Here are some of them.


Question titles tend to be very popular among readers. They evoke curiosity and make people want to know the answer to this issue, even if they haven't been searching for it mainly. Although it is not fresh news that question titles attract attention, it is still working and doesn’t seem to get old. A real trick here is not to use the question mark at the end. When you do use it, people may think that it is the question for them and subconsciously doubt your expertise. Here are the question words you might want to use:

- How - "How to earn money if you are an excellent writer", "How to be productive and still procrastinate".

- When - "When is it the time to quit your job", "When do people usually find their predestination".

- Where - "Where to get brilliant ideas for a startup", "Where do you find the best nanny for your kids".

- Who or what - "What not to say at your job interview", "Who stands in your way of being happy".

- Why - "Why should you say no to sugar", "Why I stopped using Facebook".

So, if you are in your writer’s block stage and cannot think of an interesting title, just ask a question that your posts answers. That’s it. 


People tend to trust numbers and enjoy list posts a lot. Using numbers in blog titles is a proven way to attract readers. A trick here is to try uneven numbers. Statistics say that posts with uneven numbers in titles get 23% more clicks that those with the even numbers.

- 11 Proven ways to double the number of your clients

- 7 Lifehacks for dealing with kitchen smells.

Using intriguing words such as "secrets", "tricks", "mistakes", "myths", etc.

Such titles are often used in posts where an author shares his or her personal experience, proving or disproving some things. Here readers will either want to get solutions to their problems or satisfy their curiosity. There are many words you can use to intrigue people. 

Here are the examples:

- The most hidden secrets of successful blogs;

- Unpredictable startup traps that I fell into.

Intriguing titles work great with the number and question ones.You can use such combinations for reviews, instructions and list posts.

- How to blog right? Tips for the Beginners

- My 10 strategic recipes for creating cool titles (This very post can be named like this).

Solution to a problem

People are quite lazy creatures, right? If there is a chance of getting a ready-to-go solution of some issue instead of looking for it themselves, the majority of people will go for it. An answer to some important question is a brilliant way to build your title on. It is quite simple: you choose a problem, give a solution for it in the text and hint on that solution in the title. Here are some examples:

- How to stop worrying and start living;

- This is the price of freedom;

- Here is how you get rid of your backache.

Personal Experience

People tend to trust those who’ve already done something more than those who simply thinks about it and makes assumptions. Compare these two titles: “How to earn $1000 in a week” and “How I earned $1000 in a week”. Which one would you rather open? Here are some examples of such titles:

- This is how I lost 19 pounds in a month;

- How a cigarette helped me win a fight, etc.

Besides, it doesn’t necessarily have to be your experience; you can use a third person. And the more famous this person is, the more trust you will gain from your readers:

- How Bill Gates earned his first million;

- What morning exercises does David Beckham do? 


Fear is a strong motivating factor. If you make people scared with your titles, they will read the text. It is as simple as that. People instinctively try to stay away from all the negative factors. If there is a chance, that they will find salvation that will keep them safe, they will read it.

- You lose $200 every month without this skill;

- Combining these products makes you age faster;

- Only one word can save your marriage from dying. 

Questionable statements

Controversial posts usually lead to at least twice as many comments than any other articles on a site or blog. And it doesn’t always matter if these comments are positive or negative – they evoke a discussion and bring people to your site. People tend to react quite openly to bold statements, for example, “9 Silly reasons you are still poor”.

Use quotes, sayings or references

To make your title interesting, you can use some idioms, citations or references to popular culture. Remember your favorite phrases from the movies or books and maybe you’ll next post will have a fantastic title. For example:

- Gone with the wind: How to save your family budget;

- Alice in the land of tea and milk or the best places in London. 

Bonus infographic:

How to Write Catchy Headlines and Blog Titles Your Readers Can't Resist

Courtesy of: Coschedule.

Well, these were just some tricks to pay attention to when creating a title. Of course, you need to take into account the peculiarities of your target audience, its preferences and the type of the text. The title is a super important component of your post, but the content itself should be good, too. These elements plus some visual attractions (pictures, gifs, videos) are the core of a successful post. Good luck!
