The Current State of Social Media Algorithms [Infographic]

The Current State of Social Media Algorithms [Infographic]

Social media algorithms are constantly evolving. And as marketers, it's our job to understand the way these platforms work so we can optimize our content to best be shared on any and all of the platforms we live on.
As user bases grow and feeds become jam-packed with content, the social media platforms are proactively adjusting algorithms and trying to make sure they always deliver users the content that matters most to them. But, clearly, this definition of "what matters most" varies by channel. 
For example, Facebook currently puts the highest value on "meaningful interactions" which ranks family and friends content higher along with the engagement of content. Their purpose for this latest update is to get people talking and bring back the "social" element to Facebook. 
Understanding these algorithm changes and why the platform made this adjustment is helpful for us when building and evaluating our social strategies. 
Example: Knowing that Facebook is putting an emphasis on user interactions and engagement, we know to focus on comments and conversations, sharing and even influencers.
This infographic outlines the current state of the top social networks today: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Pinterest. Hopefully, this information can help you better understand how and why these platforms function the way that they do.
The Current State of Social Media Algorithms (April 2018)
If you are looking for more information about social media algorithms and would like to stay on top of the latest news and trends, check out our page: "Keeping Up With the Algorithms"
