Why Clicks To Website Dominates Facebook Advertising
Every successful business knows that Facebook can be a powerhouse for engagement and brand recognition. But what if I told you that there is a way you can go beyond the basics and provide tangible ROI that not only improves website clicks, but also SALES.
Let me introduce you to Facebook “Clicks to Website” Ads.
By now, every business that has a Facebook Page should be aware that applying “Facebook Page Like” Ads and “Engagement Post” Ads can help grow your Facebook Page within the Facebook algorithm. These can also help properly target the right group of people, who can provide value to your page and posts.
But did you know that there are other Facebook Ads that you could be using to build web traffic, and in turn foot traffic to your business?
This is how Facebook “Clicks to Website” Ads can change the true value of Facebook for your business.
What Is A Facebook “Clicks To Website” Ad?
Facebook “Clicks to Website” Ads are a form of advertising on the Facebook Platform. This form of Advertising is NOT published to your Facebook Page.
Instead, they are published to people and locations you choose to target and are seen within the Facebook News Feed and on the right-hand side of Facebook.
You have most likely seen them yourself as a Facebook user, but now it is time you started benefiting from its capabilities for your business.
Facebook “Clicks to Website” Ads can and will provide a tangible return on investment, if applied properly.
Key Factors to Keep in Mind When Creating a Facebook “Clicks to Website” Ad
Here are some key factors to keep in mind when you are creating a Facebook “Clicks to Website” Ad.
- Write Social Copy
- Choose up to 6 visually appealing images of your product. (They become FREE Ads within a campaign)
- Be Mindful of Character Limitations
– Headline – 25 characters
– Text – 90 characters
– News Feed Link Description – 200 characters
– Text – 90 characters
– News Feed Link Description – 200 characters
- Utilize ALL description boxes
- Choose a “Call to Action” Button
Initializing these key factors will help improve the “look” of your Facebook “Clicks to Website” Ad.Visual Marketing is a key component in Advertising success.
How Much Money Do I Need to Spend on Facebook “Clicks to Website” Ads?
Frankly, you do not need to apply a lot of money to see results. With that said, Facebook Ads are a bidding war, so the more money applied, the higher your bid will be and the more chances it will be seen.
Tangible ROI from Facebook “Clicks to Website” Ads
I mentioned tangible ROI, and I bet you have been eagerly waiting to see what proof I had to back up this statement.
Below is an example from one of the most difficult industries to apply Facebook “Clicks to Website” Ads to – the Automotive Industry. This is because vehicle pages on dealership websites do not have a “call to action” button, nor are they your average e-commerce site.
Below, the graph displays from Dec. 2013-Sept. 2014. It highlights “Page Likes”, “Post Engagement” and “Website Clicks”.
As you can see, Facebook “Clicks to Website” Ads were established in May 2014 and have increased the conversion from Facebook to website substantially.
These Facebook “Clicks to Website” analytics are based on budgets set from $10 per day to $22 per day on a month to month basis.
Although, this is a low budget, it is still providing results. As an industry standard, within the Automotive Industry, the average gross profit is $1,500 per vehicle. Therefore, if a vehicle within a Facebook “Clicks to Website” Ad sold, you would not be shelling out more than you took in.
Keep in mind, there is no direct tie to Facebook selling products; however, with this increased traffic due to targeting to the appropriate audience, chances are… you are selling from Facebook.
Ask yourself how much you are currently spending on Advertising and if you are seeing any true value.
Once applying Facebook “Clicks to Website” Ads, you can easily begin seeing the shift within your Google Analytics. Facebook will reign within your top ten referrers and tend to take on the #1 spot.
These analytics are based on a comparison from Aug. 2014 to April 2014 and you can see that within that short amount of time the bounce rate has decreased, and the number of people referred from Facebook has increased dramatically.
This is due to you providing them a valuable link. When adding a product link to your Facebook “Clicks to Website” Ad that is not only explained within the Ad of what they will see once clicked on, but they too do not have to do any “work” once they land on the desired page.
This then has your business providing the needs of potential customers, increasing the likeliness of a purchase.
How To Track Facebook “Clicks to Website” Ads
Tracking your Facebook “Clicks to Website” Ads is crucial. There is no tool or platform out there that is going to provide you with the appropriate data needed to track your ROI, so you need to use more than one.
A simple way is to use a URL shortener in place of your original URL. This way you can see how many people are clicking on your Ads and compare them to your Facebook and Google Analytics.
On the established low budget of $10-$22 per day per campaign, your numbers will obviously fluctuate; this too will be dependent on what your product page is comprised of, the written copy of your ad and its 6 images.
But if you apply Facebook “Clicks to Website” Ads properly, you can expect hundreds to thousands of clicks to your website from Facebook — all from one campaign.
Going back to the Automotive Industry example of the average gross profit of $1,500 per vehicle sale, let’s say you add 6 campaigns a month at $10 per day per campaign. That means your Facebook “Clicks to Website” Ad for the month would be $1,860. Do the math and it clearly shows that one vehicle sale would basically cover all 6 Ads. Instead you would only be paying $360 for 5 ads.
$360 for FIVE ADS FOR A MONTH! Now, how does that compare to other advertising platforms? If you sold 2 vehicles of the 6 you would double your return.
In the example above, that particular dealership’s “Clicks to Website” Ads displayed 5 of 9 vehicles sold within a one-month span.
Now imagine what Facebook “Clicks to Website” Ads can do for your e-commerce site!
In conclusion, Facebook “Clicks to Website” Ads can truly provide value to your Digital Marketing strategies. If you do not have them currently applied as a part of your Facebook Ad budget your business is clearly missing out on sales opportunities.
Make Facebook work for you and apply your advertising budget to a platform that can provide you actual results that blow other advertising platforms out of the water.
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