The Number One Benefit of Marketing Your Business With Articles
The benefits to your business of using articles for marketing are numerous and profound. Yet of all these benefits there is one major benefit that stands out above the rest. Before discussing this benefit, let’s do a recap of the primary benefits of articles in promoting your business.
Summary of the Benefits of Article Marketing
Below is a list of the benefits of marketing with articles. Articles will:
- Build your reputation.
- Build your credibility so you are seen as an expert in your field.
- Generate publicity about your business.
- Increase traffic to your business and to your website.
- Rank higher in Google so you beat your competitors in search engine rankings.
- Enhance your presence on Google+, Facebook and other social media sites.
- Painlessly educate your prospects about your products & services.
- Get and keep the attention and interest of readers.
- Add to the useful life of your marketing campaigns.
- Grow your business and increase your profits.
Some people think building reputation is the top benefit. Others think that gaining credibility for your marketing message is number one in the list of benefits. People who work in the area of SEO (search engine optimization) know that Google loves articles and always shows them in high positions of search results.
But to me the primary benefit of article marketing that makes it stand out from all the others has to do with the fact we are continually overloaded with advertisements and media. In such an environment it is easy for your marketing message to be ignored and overlooked. In fact, studies have shown that most people don’t even read advertisements any more. And if they do actually read them, they discount them because of a lack of trust.
The Number One Benefit of Article Marketing
So the top benefit of article marketing is very simple: people actually READ well-written articles. This is human nature. People love to read interesting stories. Why waste your money on advertising and promotions that people will ignore?
You may think people don’t read anymore, but in general, that is not true. Magazine readership is still increasing. Amazon continues to sell millions of books, both paper and Kindle e-books. And stories are the most popular form of books that are sold.
So if you have an interesting story to tell, and it is told in the form of a professionally written article, it is guaranteed that many people will read this article about you and your business.
Of course, you do have to get the articles about your business in front of the people you want to know about your business. (These would be your targeted clients, customers and prospects.) How to do that is beyond the scope of this article, but suffice it to say there are many, many ways to use articles in growing your business. (Tip: Try using article reprints as a form of direct mail advertising to generate higher response rates.)
Once you get the well-written, interesting and informative article in front of your desired audience, they will eagerly read all about you and your business. As stated above, people love to read good stories (and hate to read advertisements.)
Not only will they actually read the article about you, they will also believe what they read. This makes articles unique as a form of marketing communication. No other form of promotion or advertising works as well.
In short articles do all of these things:
- They educate,
- They entertain,
- They create and retain interest,
- They build your reputation, and
- They build a bond of trust and loyalty with your customers and prospects.
When you invest in an article marketing project you can be assured that your time and money will not be wasted. (Which is not true for many expensive advertising campaigns.)
To get your ideal prospects to read about your business and all of the many great things you can do for them, hire a professional writer and start your article marketing campaign today!
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