4 Steps to Unlocking the Real Power of Marketing Personalization (infographic)

4 Steps to Unlocking the Real Power of Marketing Personalization (infographic)

Marketing personalization is an important issue for brands online. It’s not being effectively addressed by brands. Though many companies understand the need to engage web users in a personalized way, neither consumers nor marketers feel this is happening. 74% of web users say sites aren’t designed for their needs, 72% reject impersonal, one-size-fits-all marketing, and 58% say companies should tailor their discount offers to the individual shopper. Marketers are aware of the desire for personalization, but 60% acknowledge the issue is a struggle for their organization.

Clearly, brands are not personalizing their web experience in the way consumers want.

To overcome this challenge the team at MDG Advertising has compiled some of its most effective solutions in an infographic: "4 Steps to Unlocking the Real Power of Marketing Personalization".
Solutions include the following:

1. Smart vs dumb tactics: Sending the consumer email messages based on their actions results in a click rate three times greater and an open rate two times greater than tactics that limit the personalization to the consumer’s name.

2. Single view of the consumer: Web users appreciate high-quality shopping experiences with relevant ads and new product offerings. Deliver this experience with detailed and current consumer profiles.

3. Data and systems: Over 50% of marketers that don’t provide personalized web experiences report that they don’t have the technology or the data to do so. Learn how to invest wisely.

4. Transparency and security: Though consumers want web experiences tailored to their needs, they’re concerned about data security. You can alleviate worries with transparency on how data will be used.

View the infographic to learn more!
